Scottish Word: Bourie.

“Hello wee man. What brings you doon oor bourie on a braw bricht day like the-day?” Translate: bourie: burrow, lair of an animal. “Hello youngster. What brings you down our burrow on such a nice bright … Continue reading Bourie. →

“Hud still while I slather this on otherwise ye’ll burn in the sun.” Translate: slather: slobber a lot on, smear. “Hold still while I sloppily slap this on in quantity – otherwise you will burn in … Continue reading Slather. →
Scottish Word: Girnie.

“Ignore the wee girnie – he’s been telt he’s getting no more sweeties boucht till he finishes his Christmas ones.” Translate: girnie: peevish, ill-tempered, complaining. “Ignore the small grumpy person. He has been told that he … Continue reading Girnie. →
bad temper, boy, cart, child, friend, ladies, mother, parent, shopping, store, supermarket Scottish Word: Japple.

“Joomla! I’ll no tell ye again – it’s a paddling pool no a japplin pool.” Translate: japple: to stamp with the feet in water. “Joomla! I will not warn you again – it is a paddling … Continue reading Japple. →
Scottish Word: Lowpen.

“Lowpen awa as much as ye like it’s oot o yer reach.” Translate: lowpen: leap. “Leap about as much as you are able it’s out of your reach.” The Scottish Word: lowpen with its definition and … Continue reading Lowpen. →
Scottish Word: Doot.

“Aye… Ah doot this means it’s gonna be a rumballiach crossin ower the causeway” Translate: doot: doubt, suspect. “Ah yes… I suspect it is going to be a stormy crossing over the causeway. ” The Scottish … Continue reading Doot. →
Scottish Word: Disna.

“He disna hae a clue hoo tae dae it but he wini let oor bairn in tae dae it.” Translate: disna: does not. “He does not have a clue as to how to do it but … Continue reading Disna. →
Scottish Word: Wean.

“Ah’ll huv tae gang in Niamh, the weans bawlin his lungs oot.” Translate: wean: child, small person or thing. “I shall have to go inside Neeve, my young one seems to be crying quite hard.” The … Continue reading Wean. →

“Here ah come . . . Here ah come . . . ahm gonna skelp yer bahoochie wi this.” Translate: Bahoochie, Behouchie, Bahootie – bottom, bum, backside; mainly used with children in a friendly manner. “Here … Continue reading Bahoochie. →