Scottish Word: Tirraneese.
“Right. Are ye sure yer Chems for golems are perfect this time Asimov? I’m no wantin this thing gi’in me oni mair o this bane heidit by the letter tirraneese it gets up tae. It pented … Continue reading Tirraneese.
“Right. Are ye sure yer Chems for golems are perfect this time Asimov? I’m no wantin this thing gi’in me oni mair o this bane heidit by the letter tirraneese it gets up tae. It pented … Continue reading Tirraneese.
“Ye better no be suggesting my shortbread’s feechie ye deil ye.” Translate: feechie: foul, disgusting. “You had better not be suggesting my shortbread is in any way foul you devil you.” The Scottish Word: feechie with … Continue reading Feechie.
“Look, every time wi-oot fail, I jump up and down an they jist winni bide on.” Translate: bide: stay, remain. “Look, every time without fail, I jump up and down and they just will not stay … Continue reading Bide.
“Look son, tak a tellin – Ant an Dec are no expectin you tae attempt tae mak this situation canty.” Translate: canty: cheerful, pleasant. “Look son, Listen up for the last time – Ant and Dec … Continue reading Canty.
“A reid card’s a reid card, whether it’s Pluto, Neptune or Mars. Yir aff!” Translate: aff: off. “A red card is a red card whether it is Pluto, Neptune or Mars. You are sent off, go!” … Continue reading Aff.
“Nithin like raisin siller fur guid causes tae mak him a seilfu gype.” Translate: gype: fool, idiot. “Nothing like raising money for good causes to make him a happy idiot.” Donate at the Red Nose Day … Continue reading Gype.
“Yir either a deil or a birsie deil, ahm no haein ony stibblie deils in the ranks o Hell.” Translate: birsie: hairy. “You are either a devil or a hairy devil, I am not having any … Continue reading Birsie.
“Ah see ye went in wi a bit o a sploosh.” Translate: sploosh: a messy splash. “I see that you went in with rather a splash of distinction.” The Scottish Word: sploosh with its definition and … Continue reading Sploosh.
“Wid ye like a wee touch o the craiter afore ye gang?” Translate: the craiter: Scots’ slang for whisky, the creature. “Would you like a small drink of whisky before you go?” The Scottish Word: the … Continue reading The Craiter.
“Onie mair o yir snash an I’ll dunt yer napper wi ma nieve.” Translate: nieve: fist. “Any more of your insults and I’ll bop you on the head with my fist.” The Scottish Word: nieve with … Continue reading Nieve.