“Yer teeterin like a sissy – the secret’s muckle sturdy tackety bits what gie ye stability. No these wee licht baffies ye’ve on” Translate: tackety bits, ~buits, ~butts, ~butes: hobnailed boots. “You are teetering like a … Continue reading Tackety Bits. →
ball, boots, football, goal, goalkeeper, mountains, nails, shoes, sky, soccer, soldier, sport 
“G’aun yersel Andy.” Translate: g’aun yersel: go on yourself, you have it within you to do it; a warm and friendly term of encouragement. “More power to your elbow Andy.” focused. Most of Scotland and much … Continue reading G’aun yersel. →
Scottish Word: Shinty.

“Yir caman’s no getting much use the day Erchie – it luiks like yir on the winning side for a change.” Translate: caman: club used in the game of shinty, shinty stick. “Your shinty stick’s not … Continue reading Shinty. →
Scottish Word: Stymie.

“Hoi that’s no the baw – are ye stymie?” Translate: stymie: a person who does not see well. “Hey that is not the ball – can you not tell?” The Scottish Word: stymie with its definition … Continue reading Stymie. →

“C’mon Erchie yir only one pou frae the sweir-erse’ campioun o Europe!” Translate: sweir-erse: reluctant backside – a game where two players sit on the ground gripping a stick between them and to win have to … Continue reading Sweir-erse. →
Scottish Word: Gowf.

“Hoi! Mind yer heid we’re gowfin here.” Translate: gowf: golf. “Hoi! Mind your head we are golfing here.” Hatch. Golf is an old game but Scots lay claim to adding the hole and playing it on … Continue reading Gowf. →
Scottish Word: Aff.

“A reid card’s a reid card, whether it’s Pluto, Neptune or Mars. Yir aff!” Translate: aff: off. “A red card is a red card whether it is Pluto, Neptune or Mars. You are sent off, go!” … Continue reading Aff. →
ball, card, football, foul, red, referee, space, spacesuit, sport, suit, whistle Scottish Word: Hoolet.

“Aaaar wha pit a hoolet there!” Translate: hoolet: owl. “Aaaaar who put an owl there!” The Scottish Word: hoolet with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Hoolet. →

“Ahm no wantin this flair markit, onie one wi black gutties get them aff.” Translate: gutties: gymshoes. “I am not wanting any marks to get on this floor, anyone with black gymshoes get them off.” The … Continue reading Gutties. →
Scottish Word: Jouk.

“Aw his joukin aboot wis a waste o space.” Translate: jouk: duck, dodge, avoid. “All his ducking and dodging about was without value and lacking in worth.” The Scottish Word: jouk with its definition and its … Continue reading Jouk. →