Scottish Word: Foond.

Ah foond the test puddocks they aw het up biled wi-oot noticin in their surface-o-mobile bubbles when the sun kem oot. I massel ahm oer het ahn gonna huv tae initiate the emergency bubble launch doon-hill … Continue reading Foond. →
Scottish Word: Moutit.

Here ye go pal. Free peh’s for the moutit an no forgetting yir wee birsie dug. The wicked coont their worth by the gowd they haud. And the guid coont their worth by the acts they … Continue reading Moutit. →

“Aye – he thinks he’s hard noo but we’ll see how hard he is when he’s sittin oan the pan the morrow wi a scoutherin erse.” Translate: scouther, scowder: burn, scorch, singe. Scoutherin: blistering (with rebuke). … Continue reading Scouther. →
Scottish Word: Japple.

“Joomla! I’ll no tell ye again – it’s a paddling pool no a japplin pool.” Translate: japple: to stamp with the feet in water. “Joomla! I will not warn you again – it is a paddling … Continue reading Japple. →
Scottish Word: Cuil.

“It’s yin thing bein paid tae keep ye cuil but powerin yer desk calendar accurately as weel is jist askin oer much.” Translate: cuil: cool. “It is one thing being paid to keep you cool but … Continue reading Cuil. →
Scottish Word: Numpty.

“Only a numpty wid dress for the beach like that. Ye numpty ye!” Translate: numpty: idiot. “Only a fool would dress for the beach like that. You fool you!” The Scottish Word: numpty with its definition … Continue reading Numpty. →
Scottish Word: Monie.

“It’s no fair. I’ve as mauny hairs as you but I’ve tae slap sun lotion on an you dinni.” Translate: monie, mony, mauny: many. “It is not fair. I have as many hairs as you but … Continue reading Monie. →

“…an so oot o aw the worlds in aw the universes it faws tae you tae hae the saifgairdin o the ancient Holy Hailstain sae dear tae generations upon generations o us, the Stivilston race.” Translate: … Continue reading Saifgaird. →
alien, beach, hailstone, heat, helmet, hot, ice, island, native, sand, spacesuit, sun, tree, tropical 
“Och ye puir thing, yer no able tae mak oot the screivins oan the sign, an the grund’s aw stoory an scrochen cos o drooth. But hae nae fear, the watter hole’s thon wye.” Translate: scrochen, … Continue reading Scrochen. →
beak, bones, cactus, cow, Death, desert, dry, hot, sand, sign, skull, sun, thirst, vulture 
“Here, tak a sup, yir plottin min.” Translate: plottin: overheated state, a sweat. “Here, take a drink, you are overheating man.” The Scottish Word: plottin with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Plottin. →