Scottish Word: Birsie.
“Yir either a deil or a birsie deil, ahm no haein ony stibblie deils in the ranks o Hell.” Translate: birsie: hairy. “You are either a devil or a hairy devil, I am not having any … Continue reading Birsie.
“Yir either a deil or a birsie deil, ahm no haein ony stibblie deils in the ranks o Hell.” Translate: birsie: hairy. “You are either a devil or a hairy devil, I am not having any … Continue reading Birsie.
“Tough! This lift’s doon only. Get in!” Translate: doon: down. “How very unfortunate for you! This elevator is down only. GET IN!” The Scottish Word: doon with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with … Continue reading Doon.