Scottish Word: Cuik.
Och faither yer scratcher time cuik buik’s awricht in its way. But dae ye no hae a vegan version? Ahm seek o meat, ah dinni mind tellin ye. And scoffin less o it is one wey … Continue reading Cuik.
Och faither yer scratcher time cuik buik’s awricht in its way. But dae ye no hae a vegan version? Ahm seek o meat, ah dinni mind tellin ye. And scoffin less o it is one wey … Continue reading Cuik.
Rin rin Sneddon o the pen, keep up wi Malky yer bird and stap yer huizle. If we mak guid time we kin tak the currach and navigate tae the hidden Firth o the Black Winter … Continue reading Rin.
“Jings, it’s no jist airborne – they can get tae us direct through oor lugs an een – he’ll lauchin an partin wi siller ony minute. Likely even gi’ awa his bankin bonusses anaw.” Translate: lugs, … Continue reading Lugs.
“As you’re a weel kent Aye Write Festival critic you could say that ma pop up buik fairly caught yir eye – positive spin so to speak.” Translate: buik: book. “As you are a well known … Continue reading Buik.
“Yiv done it noo. He’ll be fizzin fur sure.” Translate: fizzin: be in a rage, bad tempered. “You have done it now. He will be very very angry for certain.” The Scottish Word: fizzin with its … Continue reading Fizzin.
“Guttered is the term professor and I don’t think you need an etymological dictionary for this one.” Translate: guttered: extremely inebriated, very drunk. The Scottish Word: guttered with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned … Continue reading Guttered.