Scottish Word: Malkie.
They’re The Creator’s Watchmakers. On an unrelenting raik to ensure that the exact time o The Creator is oan aw the clocks o the Universe. They go brainwode if yir clocks are wrang. Ahn they’re no … Continue reading Malkie.
They’re The Creator’s Watchmakers. On an unrelenting raik to ensure that the exact time o The Creator is oan aw the clocks o the Universe. They go brainwode if yir clocks are wrang. Ahn they’re no … Continue reading Malkie.
“Spankie like noo lads! Ah need tae be awa shairp like wi the tirlie fully chairged tae win.” Translate: tirlie: something which curls, spins, or twirls round; an intricate device or mechanism. “Nimble and quick now … Continue reading Tirlie.
“It’s a shame so few folk see a real fire noo-a-days. They’re all gettin saft AND saft in the heid with their central heatin an ithir comforts.” Translate: saft: soft. “It is a shame that so … Continue reading Saft.
“I’d leave well enough alone if I was you Erchie. There’s likely tae be hell tae pay for fouterin wi the intimmers.” Translate: intimmers: internal structure, the mechanism. “I’d leave well enough alone if I was … Continue reading Intimmers.