“Tak that ye gralloch ye.” Translate: gralloch: the disembowelling of a deer, disembowel. “Take that! You cleaner of carcasses you.” ˡgraləx The Scottish Word: gralloch with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Gralloch. →
Scottish Word: Mirken.
“First cam the volcanic ash frae Eyjafjallajökull an oor een were mirken. Then the stour made oor kail an neeps grow muckle an noo they’re stingin an eatin us an wi canni see.” Translate: mirken: darken. … Continue reading Mirken. →
blind, bricks, car, garden, kilt, lawn, plant, plants, Triffid, wall, Wyndam Scottish Word: Rake.
“If you’re certain the electric is aff this time fur sure, then – and only then – have a rake in the box and see if you can find the sharpening tools.” Translate: rake, raik: search … Continue reading Rake. →
Scottish Word: Rime.
‘ERCHIE ya bam! Yiv been makin yir mark in the rime again’ Translate: rime: a fragile frosty white crystalline deposit on the ground and other surfaces, usually in the morning. ‘Archibald you idiot! You have been … Continue reading Rime. →