Scottish Word: Sneesh.

Mebbe we shouldnae hae caw’d it a Snuff Gun riotstormfuhrer Senga. Especially since we ken yer in a fyke aboot the dwine in yuisible orrasters doon tae oor inventive an snar polisin o aw the protests. … Continue reading Sneesh. →

He’s queeryin, whilst takin parteecular note o us wearin waders, if we’re bein willfully thrawart in no seein the watter. He’ll gie us that it’s crystal clear but denying watter’s there ataw he taks as bein … Continue reading Thrawart. →

“Ooooyah! That soonded like a twa hipper skite tae me.” Translate: twa hipper skite: two hip slip (both broken). “Ouch! That sounded like a two hip slip to me.” confined. See all my IF thumbnails and … Continue reading Twa hipper skite. →
Scottish Word: Blaw.

“Happy New Year. An wid ye gie us a wee blaw intae this breathalyser please.” Translate: blaw: blow. “Happy New Year. And would you please blow into this breathalyser for me.” The Scottish Word: blaw with … Continue reading Blaw. →
breathalyzer, car, cars, cold, law, new year, police, policeman, shovel, snow, winter Scottish Word: Wifie.

“Aye, wi oot a doot, Erchie here is one o the best undercover wifies we’ve ever had.” Translate: wifie: an older woman, usually middle aged or older and usually with character. “Yes, without a doubt, Archibald, … Continue reading Wifie. →
Scottish Word: Dreich.

“Burk and Hare were liftit on a dreich morning. – Probably.” Translate: Dreich: dull/bleak/miserable. “Burk and Hare were arrested on a wet rainy miserable morning. – Probably.” For those that don’t know – Burke and Hare … Continue reading Dreich. →

“Aye . . !” Translate: aye…: evenin’ all “Evenin all.” Perhaps only applies to those ancient enough to remember Dickson of Dock Green. A UK TV police drama in the 60s. The Scottish Word: aye [No … Continue reading Aye No.5 →

“aye aye aye, fit’s a dae?” Translate: aye aye aye: ‘ello ‘ello ‘ello what’s all this then? The Scottish Word: aye [No 3] with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used … Continue reading Aye No.3. →