Scottish Word: Shinty.
“Yir caman’s no getting much use the day Erchie – it luiks like yir on the winning side for a change.” Translate: caman: club used in the game of shinty, shinty stick. “Your shinty stick’s not … Continue reading Shinty.
“Yir caman’s no getting much use the day Erchie – it luiks like yir on the winning side for a change.” Translate: caman: club used in the game of shinty, shinty stick. “Your shinty stick’s not … Continue reading Shinty.
“Blooter the baw like that again an’ you’re no playin!” Translate: Blooter: “If you kick the ball as hard and carelessly as that again you are not getting to play football with us.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Blooter.