Scottish Word: Fizzin.
“Yiv done it noo. He’ll be fizzin fur sure.” Translate: fizzin: be in a rage, bad tempered. “You have done it now. He will be very very angry for certain.” The Scottish Word: fizzin with its … Continue reading Fizzin.
“Yiv done it noo. He’ll be fizzin fur sure.” Translate: fizzin: be in a rage, bad tempered. “You have done it now. He will be very very angry for certain.” The Scottish Word: fizzin with its … Continue reading Fizzin.
“Ahm no wantin this flair markit, onie one wi black gutties get them aff.” Translate: gutties: gymshoes. “I am not wanting any marks to get on this floor, anyone with black gymshoes get them off.” The … Continue reading Gutties.