Scottish Word: Backie.
Thon begyted bauchle’s gi’en a bairn an a bairnie bear a backie wi a boukit birsie bear busslin behind. Is the bear bealin or pairt o the dale? Is it daffin? Diz he ken the bear’s … Continue reading Backie.
Thon begyted bauchle’s gi’en a bairn an a bairnie bear a backie wi a boukit birsie bear busslin behind. Is the bear bealin or pairt o the dale? Is it daffin? Diz he ken the bear’s … Continue reading Backie.
“The minute they try tae control us we flee tae aw the airts an ony time mair than two o us are pit thegither we split again an run a’place an awgates OK.” Translate: airt: a point … Continue reading Airt.
“Aaaar wha pit a hoolet there!” Translate: hoolet: owl. “Aaaaar who put an owl there!” The Scottish Word: hoolet with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Hoolet.
“Yiv done it noo. He’ll be fizzin fur sure.” Translate: fizzin: be in a rage, bad tempered. “You have done it now. He will be very very angry for certain.” The Scottish Word: fizzin with its … Continue reading Fizzin.