Pou awa, pou awa tae save oor kin. One mair pou an we’ll pit an end tae thon raucle-handed ill-muggent reid heided hedge cutter. Once he’s fusionless, he’s mince. Translate: Ill-muggent: malicious. Pull hard, pull hard … Continue reading Ill-muggent. →
Scottish Word: Monie.
“It’s no fair. I’ve as mauny hairs as you but I’ve tae slap sun lotion on an you dinni.” Translate: monie, mony, mauny: many. “It is not fair. I have as many hairs as you but … Continue reading Monie. →
Scottish Word: Focht.
“Ah focht in the War ah’m tellin ye. Ah focht in the War.” Translate: focht: faught. “I fought in the War I am telling you. I fought in the War.” The Scottish Word: focht with its … Continue reading Focht. →