Scottish Word: Papple.
It’s bad eneuch when the winter lard-man melts sae quick son but it’s even startin tae papple noo. I mind when I wiz your age, they used tae staun fur days an we used tae hae … Continue reading Papple.
It’s bad eneuch when the winter lard-man melts sae quick son but it’s even startin tae papple noo. I mind when I wiz your age, they used tae staun fur days an we used tae hae … Continue reading Papple.
“Aye ah can see yer in the glaur plantin mangroves tae restaur the environment and gaird agin the effecks o changin sea levels and as a penance for imperialism but ah still need tae tak a … Continue reading Glaur.
“He’s meffin ben the hoose.” Translate: meffin: the act of warming oneself at the fire by sitting in front of it with the legs spread. “He’s sitting in front of the fire inside the house toasting … Continue reading Meffin.
“As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I, And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a’ the seas gang dry. Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear, And … Continue reading Luve.
“…an so oot o aw the worlds in aw the universes it faws tae you tae hae the saifgairdin o the ancient Holy Hailstain sae dear tae generations upon generations o us, the Stivilston race.” Translate: … Continue reading Saifgaird.
‘Hoi lassy, mind yirsel. Yir breeks huv slipped up yir sheuch.’ Translate: sheuch: furrow or trench. ‘Miss, miss, you must attend to yourself. Your bikini bottom has slipped unawares betwixt your buttocks’ The Scottish Word: sheuch … Continue reading Sheuch.