“Ah telt ye you shouldni hae caw’d him a falset loon even tho you thoucht he didni ken whit it meant.” Translate: falset loon: lying person, charlatan. “I warned you that you should not have called … Continue reading Falset loon. →
“Crivens! whaur huv they skinnymalinkies come frae an what have they done tae oor weel tended permaculture? Thon lan’s wershet noo.” Translate: skinnymalink: thin person, bones and skin only. “My goodness! Where have all these dreadfully … Continue reading Skinnymalink. →
axe, environment, forest, fort, hunting, indian, native, saw, skinny, wood, woodland
“…an so oot o aw the worlds in aw the universes it faws tae you tae hae the saifgairdin o the ancient Holy Hailstain sae dear tae generations upon generations o us, the Stivilston race.” Translate: … Continue reading Saifgaird. →
alien, beach, hailstone, heat, helmet, hot, ice, island, native, sand, spacesuit, sun, tree, tropical