“That’s it lichtit, noo run like the bars o hell.” Translate: lichtit: lit, to have set alight. “That’s it lit, now run incredibly fast.” The Scottish Word: lichtit with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Lichtit. →
Scottish Word: Monie.

“It’s no fair. I’ve as mauny hairs as you but I’ve tae slap sun lotion on an you dinni.” Translate: monie, mony, mauny: many. “It is not fair. I have as many hairs as you but … Continue reading Monie. →
Scottish Word: Derf.

“C’mon faither, be a bit mair derf an a bit less shan.” Translate: derf: bold, daring. “Come along father, be rather more bold and a measure less timid.” The Scottish Word: derf with its definition and … Continue reading Derf. →