Scottish Word: Gab.
…Noo are ye sure ah’ll still be able to gab tae ye through this preserving fluid? Ah’ll be wantin tae tell ye when the fluid sterts tae get oer green fur mha liking ahn a want … Continue reading Gab.
…Noo are ye sure ah’ll still be able to gab tae ye through this preserving fluid? Ah’ll be wantin tae tell ye when the fluid sterts tae get oer green fur mha liking ahn a want … Continue reading Gab.
“It’s yin thing bein paid tae keep ye cuil but powerin yer desk calendar accurately as weel is jist askin oer much.” Translate: cuil: cool. “It is one thing being paid to keep you cool but … Continue reading Cuil.
“Miss miss, ah’d like tae pit massel forrit, alane, fur oor scuil’s three legged race.” Translate: alane: alone. “Miss miss, I would like to put myself forward, alone, for our school’s three legged race.” ə′len The … Continue reading Alane.
“He’s kent as quick draw McGraw cos he’s sae speedy tae whip the taws oer an oot frae its hidie doon the back o his goon.” Translate: taws: a leather punishment strap with thongs – once … Continue reading Taws.