Scottish Word: Birl.

“Look – the hydraulic spanner is birling the diver instead of the nut.” Translate: birl: revolve rapidly, whirl round. “Look – the hydraulic spanner is spinning the diver instead of the nut.” Subtract – puns are … Continue reading Birl. →
aqualung, balloon, deep, divers, diving, flippers, octopus, repair, sea, submarine, technology, tentacles, under water, water Scottish Word: Howdie.

“Whaurs the howdie… ?” Translate: howdie: midwife. “Where’s the midwife… ?” The Scottish Word: howdie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in … Continue reading Howdie. →

“Dae ye mind. I canni stand folk readin oer ma shouder.” Translate: shouder: shoulder. “Do you mind. I cannot stand people reading over my shoulder.” The Scottish Word: shouder with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Shouder. →
Scottish Word: Japple.

“Joomla! I’ll no tell ye again – it’s a paddling pool no a japplin pool.” Translate: japple: to stamp with the feet in water. “Joomla! I will not warn you again – it is a paddling … Continue reading Japple. →

“Darling I think there’s a chink in oor airmour, the fleet dyke’s lettin in.” Translate: fleet dyke: a wall to prevent flooding. “Darling I think we’ve left a chink in our armour, the flood barrier is … Continue reading Fleet Dyke. →
Scottish Word: Streek.

“Tch! Hoo ist wi-oot fail the baith salts I’m efter gar me streek iviry time?” Translate: streek; streik: stretch, reach out. “Tch! Why is it that It seems to be a constant that the bath salts … Continue reading Streek. →
Scottish Word: Windie.

“HOI! Get away frae that windie.” Translate: windie: window. “HOI! Get away from that window.” The Scottish Word: windie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Windie. →
beak, bowl, goldfish, heron, line, meal, peg, pegs, pet, washing, water, window Scottish Word: Droon.

“It’s a wee bit ironic this, because the apparent cause o deith wis droonin.” Translate: droon: drown. “It is a little bit ironic this, because the apparent cause of death was drowning.” The Scottish Word: droon … Continue reading Droon. →
Scottish Word: Tentie.

“C’mon ye wee darlin ye, come an get yer tastie bit, nae need tae be sae tentie so.” Translate: tentie: cautious, watchful, heedful, careful. “Come along you tiny little darling, come and get a little tasty … Continue reading Tentie. →

“Gies ma tam o shanter back here ye black fisherin wee bedriten skelf o a pup ye, an dinni get that toorie drookit.” Translate: tam o shanter: a man’s round flat-crowned woolen cap often with a … Continue reading Tam o shanter. →