Scottish Word: Cruban.
If only ye’d kent semaphore ahn peyd heed tae thon cruban doon there flaggin the danger tae ye wi its cleuks ye micht both hae been saved. Noo as it stauns one o ye’s goin doon … Continue reading Cruban.
If only ye’d kent semaphore ahn peyd heed tae thon cruban doon there flaggin the danger tae ye wi its cleuks ye micht both hae been saved. Noo as it stauns one o ye’s goin doon … Continue reading Cruban.
They think yer a deid dug and are dragging the bottom for yer corpse. But nae worries wee livin dug – yince yer cleeked up tae this rocket ah’ve got here ye’ll be up tae the … Continue reading Dug.
“Diddle tae yer daddie, diddle tae ye dee, didlle tae the didderums o ma fee, I’m the Lord o the diddle, so sez me.” Translate: diddle: dance with a jiggling movement. “Dance to your daddie, dance … Continue reading Diddle.
“I like tae let him oot o his tank for a treat like. But dinni dae onythin sudden tae gi him a fleg or he goes tense an tightens up somethin terrible.” Translate: onythin: anything. “I … Continue reading Onythin.
“Look – the hydraulic spanner is birling the diver instead of the nut.” Translate: birl: revolve rapidly, whirl round. “Look – the hydraulic spanner is spinning the diver instead of the nut.” Subtract – puns are … Continue reading Birl.
“Nah nah, awa yo go. Ahm efter green-bane the-day.” Translate: green-bane: garfish or needlefish which have greenish bones. “No no. Away you go. I am after garfish today.” The Scottish Word: greenbane with its definition and … Continue reading Greenbane.
“It’s a gey goustie nicht the-nicht.” Translate: goustie: wild, stormy, eerie. “It is a rather eerie desolate blustery night tonight is it not.” The Scottish Word: goustie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned … Continue reading Goustie.
“God sink ye! I’m wishin I’d had the haddie nooooo . . . Translate: haddie: haddock. “Lord sink you! I am wishing that I had ordered the haddock now.” The Scottish Word: haddie with its definition … Continue reading Haddie.