Scottish Word: Ert.
“Keep makin airt an ne-er gie heed tae hoo long it”ll bide. It aw casts awa an becomes bum wipe in the end. But mind, ert is no what it is it’s whit it does.” Translate: … Continue reading Ert.
“Keep makin airt an ne-er gie heed tae hoo long it”ll bide. It aw casts awa an becomes bum wipe in the end. But mind, ert is no what it is it’s whit it does.” Translate: … Continue reading Ert.
“Yer nothin but a trauchle trailin on ahent like that – get yirsel yokit.” Translate: trachle, trauchle: a struggle, a hard time. “You are extremely hard work trailing along behind like that – will you please … Continue reading Trachle.
“Ignore the wee girnie – he’s been telt he’s getting no more sweeties boucht till he finishes his Christmas ones.” Translate: girnie: peevish, ill-tempered, complaining. “Ignore the small grumpy person. He has been told that he … Continue reading Girnie.
“Whaurs the howdie… ?” Translate: howdie: midwife. “Where’s the midwife… ?” The Scottish Word: howdie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in … Continue reading Howdie.
“Dae ye think a sledge on the heid will pit a grumphie bear intae a feerochry or will they get away wi it?” Translate: feerochry: a state of great anger or rage. “Do you think a … Continue reading Feerochry.