Scottish Word: Skell.
“Gawd sink it! – Hoo dae ye avoid skellin yer tea when yer in a hammock at sea?” Translate: skell: spill (accidentally), scatter. “God sink it!- How does one avoid spilling one’s tea when one is … Continue reading Skell.
“Gawd sink it! – Hoo dae ye avoid skellin yer tea when yer in a hammock at sea?” Translate: skell: spill (accidentally), scatter. “God sink it!- How does one avoid spilling one’s tea when one is … Continue reading Skell.
“Darling I think there’s a chink in oor airmour, the fleet dyke’s lettin in.” Translate: fleet dyke: a wall to prevent flooding. “Darling I think we’ve left a chink in our armour, the flood barrier is … Continue reading Fleet Dyke.
“That’ll dae ma man, ahm noo convinced ma heulm is wicht.” Translate: wicht: strongly constructed, stout. “That will be enough my man, I am now convinced that my heulm is soundly constructed.” The Scottish Word: wicht … Continue reading Wicht.