Ah jist canni get yuised tae the Sheriff dressin up as a sheriff. It disni suit him an forbye the Chief Constable disni like him huvin live ammunition. Translate: sheriff: a judicial office holder and a … Continue reading Sheriff. →
Scottish Word: Breid.
Saw awa White Rat Zorro ah’ll use mha wecht tae strekit the rope ticht wi aw my micht. I ken the breid knife wiz aw ye had tae haun that wiz onie yis tae ye. Nae … Continue reading Breid. →
Scottish Word: Spung.
“Hae mercy ah’ve nocht bit a puckle bawbees in ma spung.” Translate: spung: a purse or money pouch, usually with a spring clasp. “Have mercy on me, I have nothing but a small amount of poor … Continue reading Spung. →
bandit, corpse, dark, gallows, hands, highway, hills, mask, money, night, pistol, robbery, trees