Scottish Word: Rooze.
Jings, we didni hauf rooze up thon bear by peltin it wi stanes. Oniegate we’re sauf noo Erchie, she’ll be awa lickin her birses at hame. C’mon oot – nae worries, she disni ken aboot this … Continue reading Rooze.
Jings, we didni hauf rooze up thon bear by peltin it wi stanes. Oniegate we’re sauf noo Erchie, she’ll be awa lickin her birses at hame. C’mon oot – nae worries, she disni ken aboot this … Continue reading Rooze.
Hoo dare ye! Hoo dare ye even think ye might have trow shairn oan yer boot from the gravel trows! Gravel Trow shairn’s aye gently blown oot their nether end as rock dust in the twilight. … Continue reading Shairn.
Look. The door’s a-jee. Dae ye think we shuid jist go in? Translate: a-jee:ajar. Look. The door is ajar. Do you think we should just go in? aʤi The Scottish Word: a-jee with its definition and … Continue reading A-jee.
“That’s the last o ma shin ya wee coofs – will ye cease that awfy yaw!” Translate: yaw: caterwaul, wail. “That is the last of my shoes you little louts – will you cease that awful … Continue reading Yaw.
“I’m a bit deaved wi all the gunplay Watson. Can you hear onythin? Along the lines o ‘…sinking in a bottomless gullion…’, ‘help help’ an sic like?” Translate: gullion: deep pool of mud, a quagmire, marsh. … Continue reading Gullion.
“Ah’n that’s Pieter’s Ploo.” Translate: Pieters Ploo: The Plough or Big Dipper. “And that is Peter’s Plough.” The Plough – more. The Scottish Word: Pieters ploo with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with … Continue reading Pieters Ploo.
“Huh, ma ma’s mad n wiz gibberin aboot hoo batterin bairns wi eggs’ll bring doon the Demon Hen fae Hell oan me .” Translate: fae: from. “Huh, my mum’s mad, she was prattling on about how … Continue reading Fae.
“Hae mercy ah’ve nocht bit a puckle bawbees in ma spung.” Translate: spung: a purse or money pouch, usually with a spring clasp. “Have mercy on me, I have nothing but a small amount of poor … Continue reading Spung.
“It’s a braw bricht moonlicht nicht. C’mon whit dae ye say?” Translate: nicht: night. “It is a wonderfully bright moonlit night. Come along, what do you say (are you agreeable)?” The Scottish Word: nicht with its … Continue reading Nicht.
“Licht the licht while yer at it.” Translate: licht: light. “Light the light since you are lighting your pipe already please.” The Scottish Word: licht with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Licht.