Scottish Word: Bridie.
“Wana bridie?” “Aye. Twa plain eens anan ingin ‘in ana. Ta.” “Yon quine’s awa wi the last ingin yin.” Translate: bridie: sausage meat wrapped in a circular pastry case folded over. Can also contain herbs, pepper … Continue reading Bridie. →
Scottish Word: Kithan.
“Yir nithin but an athegither kithan an ye dress like een anaw.” Translate: kithan: rascal, blackguard, a tricky person. “You are nothing but a complete blackguard and you dress like one as well.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Kithan. →
“Dae ye huv onie pally jeukit option aataw wi this moose?” Translate: pally jeukit: left handed. “Do you have any left handed option at all with this mouse?” The Scottish Word: pally jeukit with its definition … Continue reading Pally Jeukit. →
Scottish Word: Lowse.
“Yiv twa seconds tae git yir erse in gear an vacate the premises afore a lowse the dugs.” Translate: lowse: release, untie, loosen. “You have two seconds to get your bottom moving and vacate the premises … Continue reading Lowse. →
Scottish Word: Nippit.
“Ah think this jersey’s a wee bit nippit” Translate: nippit: tight, too small. “I think this jersey is a little too tight.” The Scottish Word: nippit with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with … Continue reading Nippit. →
“Ma Maw’s sent me fur the messages.” Translate: messages: groceries, shopping. “My mother has sent me to get the shopping.” The Scottish Word: messages with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Messages. →
Scottish Word: Pudden.
“Help ma boab! That’s the end o that mealie pudden.” Translate: pudden, puddin: pudding. Oat meal pudding or white pudding is a sausage skin stuffed with oat meal, onions, spices and suet. A black pudding includes … Continue reading Pudden. →
Scottish Word: Poke.
“Right son, hoo many grannie-sookers di ye want in yir poke?” Translate: poke: bag. “All right young man, how many pan-drops (sweets grannies love to suck) do you want in your bag?” The Scottish Word: poke … Continue reading Poke. →
candy, counter, jar, shop, shopping, sort, store, sugar, sweet, sweeties, sweets
“Yir fags are drookit!” Translate: Drookit: drenched. “On my journey to the shop and back I’m sorry to say your bags of cigarettes got very very wet.” The Scottish Word: drookit with its definition and its … Continue reading Drookit. →