Scottish Word: Waur.
“Ye shouldni hae cam oot guisin wi sic a bad cauld, yir likely tae mak it waur.” Translate: waur: worse. “You should not have come out guising with such a bad cold, you will likely make … Continue reading Waur.
“Ye shouldni hae cam oot guisin wi sic a bad cauld, yir likely tae mak it waur.” Translate: waur: worse. “You should not have come out guising with such a bad cold, you will likely make … Continue reading Waur.
‘Why are they prayin guisers sae soor faced?’ ‘Cos they’re no goin roon their neibours an freends guisin’ that’s why.’ Translate: guising: to go round your neighbours and friends, in fancy dress, offering entertainment in exchange … Continue reading Guising.