Scottish Word: Gyper.
“He’s no the actual gyper either so gies all yir sweeties an siller or I’ll lowse ‘im on ye.” Translate: gyper: joker. “He is not the actual joker either so give us all your sweets and … Continue reading Gyper.
“He’s no the actual gyper either so gies all yir sweeties an siller or I’ll lowse ‘im on ye.” Translate: gyper: joker. “He is not the actual joker either so give us all your sweets and … Continue reading Gyper.
“Ye shouldni hae cam oot guisin wi sic a bad cauld, yir likely tae mak it waur.” Translate: waur: worse. “You should not have come out guising with such a bad cold, you will likely make … Continue reading Waur.