Scottish Word: Kithan.

“Yir nithin but an athegither kithan an ye dress like een anaw.” Translate: kithan: rascal, blackguard, a tricky person. “You are nothing but a complete blackguard and you dress like one as well.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Kithan. →
Scottish Word: Waur.

“Ye shouldni hae cam oot guisin wi sic a bad cauld, yir likely tae mak it waur.” Translate: waur: worse. “You should not have come out guising with such a bad cold, you will likely make … Continue reading Waur. →
Scottish Word: Fae.

“Huh, ma ma’s mad n wiz gibberin aboot hoo batterin bairns wi eggs’ll bring doon the Demon Hen fae Hell oan me .” Translate: fae: from. “Huh, my mum’s mad, she was prattling on about how … Continue reading Fae. →
Scottish Word: Gleg.

“Gleg? He’s flinty o fit an as shairp as a kilmaurs whittle.” Translate: gleg: quick, speedy. “Speedy? For his age he’s fast of foot and as quick witted.” fast. The Scottish Word: gleg with its definition … Continue reading Gleg. →
Age, bench, costume, disguise, flash, grandads, mask, old, park, run, running, stick Scottish Word: Neep.

“Pumpkin or neep? Pumpkin or neep? Either wye the soup gies ye evil pumps.” Translate: neep: turnip. “Pumpkin or turnip? Pumpkin or Turnip? Either way the soup gives one the most vile intestinal wind.” The Scottish … Continue reading Neep. →
Scottish Word: Wifie.

“Aye, wi oot a doot, Erchie here is one o the best undercover wifies we’ve ever had.” Translate: wifie: an older woman, usually middle aged or older and usually with character. “Yes, without a doubt, Archibald, … Continue reading Wifie. →
Scottish Word: Kent.

“hehehehehe ah, ah, ah kent it wis yirsel aw the time.” Translate: kent: known, knew, to have known. “hehehehehe I, I, I knew it was yourself (you who I am speaking to whom I know well) … Continue reading Kent. →
attack, churchyard, disguise, dog, first aid, fright, halloween, heart, mask, sheet, vicar 
‘Why are they prayin guisers sae soor faced?’ ‘Cos they’re no goin roon their neibours an freends guisin’ that’s why.’ Translate: guising: to go round your neighbours and friends, in fancy dress, offering entertainment in exchange … Continue reading Guising. →
choir, costumes, disguise, group, halloween, kids, mask, masks, pumpkin, treat, trick