Ah kent ah wiz ill-hung-thegither but this is takin the piss. Hoo’d ye jine a puggie’s haun that size tae sic a muckle airm like mine an get it tae work? It IS a puggie’s haun, … Continue reading Ill-hung-thegither. →
Scottish Word: Doup.

“Ahm switchin aff the auto doup dichter hen. If yer wantin it back oan mind tae dae it yersel.” Translate: doup: bottom, backend of something. “I am switching off the automatic bottom wiping machine darling. If … Continue reading Doup. →

“It’s a gey goustie nicht the-nicht.” Translate: goustie: wild, stormy, eerie. “It is a rather eerie desolate blustery night tonight is it not.” The Scottish Word: goustie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned … Continue reading Goustie. →
boat, bolt, fisherman, fishing, lightning, octopus, sea, storm, tentacles, terror, waves