Scottish Word: Gled.
Ha Ha yer in the gled’s grups noo Superchook, ah’ve had mha gled ee on yer pouers for years an ther’s nocht ye kin do but snuil doon noo an gie them tae me. Mha Super … Continue reading Gled.
Ha Ha yer in the gled’s grups noo Superchook, ah’ve had mha gled ee on yer pouers for years an ther’s nocht ye kin do but snuil doon noo an gie them tae me. Mha Super … Continue reading Gled.
Och it’s jist a falset neb! I thoucht yer choller had swollen. It wiz sonsie mind, ye ken. Translate: choller: double chin, wattles of a cock Gosh it is just a false nose. I thought your … Continue reading Choller.
It’s grand tae see a chook pouked wi care an consideration by a person instead o hunners by factory machines. I ken yer bunnets for its giblets but I wanted tae show ma appreciation wi a … Continue reading Pouk.
Excerpt from the Robert Burns’ poem: A Winters Night. …Oh ye! who, sunk in beds of down, Feel not a want but what yourselves create, Think, for a moment, on his wretched fate, Whom friends and … Continue reading Pouthery.
“Huh, ma ma’s mad n wiz gibberin aboot hoo batterin bairns wi eggs’ll bring doon the Demon Hen fae Hell oan me .” Translate: fae: from. “Huh, my mum’s mad, she was prattling on about how … Continue reading Fae.