Scottish Word: Chaft.
Staun bye chiels, I see the spune oan its wye. Get ready tae pit yer backs intae it eneuch tae strain them tuith bandits. Mak that fitwhirlie dirl tae clap the chafts richt weel. Translate: chaft: … Continue reading Chaft.
Staun bye chiels, I see the spune oan its wye. Get ready tae pit yer backs intae it eneuch tae strain them tuith bandits. Mak that fitwhirlie dirl tae clap the chafts richt weel. Translate: chaft: … Continue reading Chaft.
“In the name o the wee man turn that effin whale sang aff. He thinks he’s getting his podger!” Translate: podger: sexual intercourse. “In the name of heaven turn that effin whale song off. He thinks … Continue reading Podger.
‘Hoi! Ahm no deef ye ken.’ Translate: deef: deaf. ‘Hey! I am not deaf you know.’ The Scottish Word: deef with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in … Continue reading Deef.