Scottish Word: Birse.
“Ah widni act like a postie if I wis you, his birse is up.” Translate: birse: bristles on the back, anger. “I would not act like a postal delivery person if I was you, his hackles … Continue reading Birse.
“Ah widni act like a postie if I wis you, his birse is up.” Translate: birse: bristles on the back, anger. “I would not act like a postal delivery person if I was you, his hackles … Continue reading Birse.
“Are ye sure I’ve tae dae this afore I can jine the nae brakes brae gang?” Translate: brae: side of a hill; road with a steep gradient. “Are you sure that I have to do this … Continue reading Brae.
“Whaur’s the stobs?” Translate: stob: fence post. “What is holding up the delivery of the fence posts?” The Scottish Word: stobs with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context … Continue reading Stobs.