Scottish Word: Humph.
“Yer punishment and yer curse for dissin yer betters is tae humph yer inlaw an her dug up iviry Corbett in the land. An think yersel lucky I dinni mak it Munros anaw.” Translate: humph, hump: … Continue reading Humph.
“Yer punishment and yer curse for dissin yer betters is tae humph yer inlaw an her dug up iviry Corbett in the land. An think yersel lucky I dinni mak it Munros anaw.” Translate: humph, hump: … Continue reading Humph.
“Uh oh! If I was you I’d untaigle massel dead quick.” Translate: untaigle: untangle. “Uh oh! If I was you I would untangle myself with the most extreme utter urgency.” Instict – several instincts about to … Continue reading Untaigle.
“Lunt awa son, lunt awa.” Translate: lunt: walk with a springy step, walk briskly. “Walk on briskly son, walk on briskly (don’t worry about me).” impatience. The Scottish Word: lunt with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Lunt.
“There’s a bygate thon wye – it is shorter but mainly it’s mair interesting.” Translate: gate: path, a way, a road (bygate: a side path). “There is a byway that goes in that direction – it … Continue reading Bygate.
“As per usual Hissel’ll ken best.” Translate: hissel: himself – used by a subordinate of his master. “As per usual Himself will know best.” The Scottish Word: Hissel with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Hissel.
“Aye, it’s a canny hurl ye get frae an abductee.” Translate: hurl: a ride or drive in a vehicle (usually with wheels). “Yes Indeed, it is an exceptional, pleasant and gentle means of conveyance one gets … Continue reading Hurl.
“C’mon faither, this’ll gie us a rare fleg!” Translate: fleg: fright. “Come let’s go father, this walk will surely give us a really good fright.” The Scottish Word: fleg with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Fleg.
“Did your yella dug dae that?” “Aye! An whit of it?” Translate: aye: yes The Scottish Word: aye [No 2] with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in … Continue reading Aye No.2.