Scottish Word: Rob Sorby.
Wee cawed them the Rob Sorby’s cos they yuised shairp impliments like saws, n chissels, n aixes o steel what made them tae be feared. Hail wids o oor kin, the size o a shire, wid … Continue reading Rob Sorby.
Wee cawed them the Rob Sorby’s cos they yuised shairp impliments like saws, n chissels, n aixes o steel what made them tae be feared. Hail wids o oor kin, the size o a shire, wid … Continue reading Rob Sorby.
“There’s a bygate thon wye – it is shorter but mainly it’s mair interesting.” Translate: gate: path, a way, a road (bygate: a side path). “There is a byway that goes in that direction – it … Continue reading Bygate.
“As per usual Hissel’ll ken best.” Translate: hissel: himself – used by a subordinate of his master. “As per usual Himself will know best.” The Scottish Word: Hissel with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Hissel.
“Whaur’s the stobs?” Translate: stob: fence post. “What is holding up the delivery of the fence posts?” The Scottish Word: stobs with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context … Continue reading Stobs.