Scottish Word: Airm.
Mutation causin airms an legs tae grow an an extra ee isni gonna happen even if we vape wi oor lid shut. Davros is even gallus aboot oor vaping no causin oor tentacles tae stint an … Continue reading Airm.
Mutation causin airms an legs tae grow an an extra ee isni gonna happen even if we vape wi oor lid shut. Davros is even gallus aboot oor vaping no causin oor tentacles tae stint an … Continue reading Airm.
“That’s the last o ma shin ya wee coofs – will ye cease that awfy yaw!” Translate: yaw: caterwaul, wail. “That is the last of my shoes you little louts – will you cease that awful … Continue reading Yaw.
“Will he no boke wi you feeding him sae many purls?” Translate: purl: the little balls of dung found amongst the grass excreted by sheep, rabbits etc. “Do you not think that he’ll throw up with … Continue reading Purl, purls.
“Aye… it’s one o yir aisle-teeth, it’s needin a pou.” Translate: aisle-tuith: a biscupid tooth, a molar. “Yes… it’s one of your bicuspid teeth, it is needing pulled out.” The Scottish Word: aisle tuith with its … Continue reading Aisle-tuith.
“An hoo is’t ye keep the teeth oot o the road again an no boak?” Translate: hoo: how. “And how is it that you keep the teeth out of the way again, and not be sick?” … Continue reading Hoo.
“Ah warned ye tae shut yer geggie.” Translate: geggie: mouth (not used in polite conversation). “I did warn you to shut your mouth.” The Scottish Word: geggie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned … Continue reading Geggie.