Scottish Word: Aneath.
“An hoo long dae ye think ye’ll be aneath the watter wi the fishies?” Translate: aneath: under. “And how long do you think you will be under the water with the fishes?” The Scottish Word: aneath … Continue reading Aneath.
“An hoo long dae ye think ye’ll be aneath the watter wi the fishies?” Translate: aneath: under. “And how long do you think you will be under the water with the fishes?” The Scottish Word: aneath … Continue reading Aneath.
“Twa things mak ma neb an een dreep at thegither – cuttin ingins fur cookin an streenin on the pan.” Translate: dreep: drip. “Two things have always made my nose and eyes drip together – cutting … Continue reading Dreep.
‘Hoi! Ahm no deef ye ken.’ Translate: deef: deaf. ‘Hey! I am not deaf you know.’ The Scottish Word: deef with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in … Continue reading Deef.