Scottish Word: Hie.
We’ve got aw the Laird’s siller so hie yersel up yon ben wi yer keekin gless an holler if ye spy his army efter us. It’s his very ain an dis whit it’s telt. If yer … Continue reading Hie.
We’ve got aw the Laird’s siller so hie yersel up yon ben wi yer keekin gless an holler if ye spy his army efter us. It’s his very ain an dis whit it’s telt. If yer … Continue reading Hie.
Yiv heard o the nakit chef? Weel this is the nakit chemist. Dinni ask me hoo he manages it but it’s his thing. An no a chemical burn tae be seen. No oan the back view … Continue reading Nakit.
Pou awa, pou awa tae save oor kin. One mair pou an we’ll pit an end tae thon raucle-handed ill-muggent reid heided hedge cutter. Once he’s fusionless, he’s mince. Translate: Ill-muggent: malicious. Pull hard, pull hard … Continue reading Ill-muggent.
“Ahn what fur dae a huv tae drap the toul?” Translate: toul: towel. “And why is it again that I have to drop the towel?” The Scottish Word: toul with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Toul.
“Wha’s bin openin an interferin wi the shill kists!” Translate: kist: chest, box, coffin. “Who’s been opening and interfering with the chill cabinets?” Donate at the Red Nose Day Web Site, Charity 326568. The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Kist.
“Yiv a bit o jeelie on yir semmit.” Translate: semmit: vest. “You have a spot of jam on your vest.” The Scottish Word: semmit with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Semmit.
“I like corrie fisted chiels.” Translate: corrie fisted: left handed. “I like left handed lads.” The Scottish Word: corrie fisted with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in … Continue reading Corrie fisted.