Scottish Word: Warsle.
Dad. Mither sez frae noo on yiv aye tae wash yer bouk in the fairm tank whenivir yiv been muckin oot the shairnie grumphie. Ahn she wunners if there’s no an easier wye tae shift the … Continue reading Warsle.
Dad. Mither sez frae noo on yiv aye tae wash yer bouk in the fairm tank whenivir yiv been muckin oot the shairnie grumphie. Ahn she wunners if there’s no an easier wye tae shift the … Continue reading Warsle.
Yiv blowdered yer pow intae orbit agin an I doot I’ll be able tae retrieve this time tae stick it back. It’s no like ye hivni been warned o aw the dangers o scorchin oot yer … Continue reading Pow.
I’m no sure if that’s a bogle or a brownie but ahl no gie ye a boddle oer fower shillings six pennies and three farthings. Ah ken ye like tae sell oan added value extras and … Continue reading Boddle.
Leg it son we’re peyd noo an that wifie’s got the maugre for me, so dinni heed her. Translate: Maugre: ill will. Run for it son we have been paid and that woman’s got the ill … Continue reading Maugre.
“I’m sick o humphin his muckle bouk frae rink tae rink an side tae side. If he’s no willin tae tak his dunts n dings like a man he’ll never learn. Let him fa.” Translate: bouk: … Continue reading Bouk.
“Tak heed son. It’s time ye lernt tae tak a widden spune tae eat yir hinnie in wice o yer whole sel.” Translate: spune, speen, spon: spoon. “Take heed son, be wise. It is time you … Continue reading Spune.
“This disni sound like a gift suitable for a sprog tae me Santa, ah’d do a backgroond check on that list if I wiz you.” Translate: sprog: bright but undersized boy. “This does not sound like … Continue reading Sprog.
“Fur thatchin is it? That’ll be twa bob a threave which is twa stooks which maks oot tae aboot twelve sheaves each, bit it micht vary roon aboot here ye ken.” Translate: threave: a measure of … Continue reading Threave.
“Dae ye no think yir dad’ll be lookin fur his galluses?” Translate: galluses: braces, for holding up ones trousers. “Do you not think your dad will be looking for his braces?” The Scottish Word: galluses with … Continue reading Galluses.