Aye… yer weel-hained fur a kirkyaird deserter. I’m hoping ahm as douchty as yersel if ah live so long as you must huv. Translate: weel-hained: well preserved, taken care of. I must say… you are very … Continue reading Weel-hained. →
Scottish Word: Whit.
“Ah see whit ye mean Britni the bear erse is getting gey threadbear.” Translate: whit: what. “I see what you mean Britni the bear bottom is getting rather bald.” The Scottish Word: whit with its definition … Continue reading Whit. →
bear, bottom, costumes, dress, dressing, hairy, lunch, pantomime, room, sandwich, suit, theater, wardrobe
‘Why are they prayin guisers sae soor faced?’ ‘Cos they’re no goin roon their neibours an freends guisin’ that’s why.’ Translate: guising: to go round your neighbours and friends, in fancy dress, offering entertainment in exchange … Continue reading Guising. →
choir, costumes, disguise, group, halloween, kids, mask, masks, pumpkin, treat, trick
“Aye Senga, ah luve yer dookers!” Translate: dookers: swimming costume; Yes indeed Senga, I love your swimming costume. you wear dookers to go for a dook. The Scottish Word: dookers with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Dookers. →