Pirate captain in his exclusion circle handing out three invites.
The Scottish Word:


Tak these invites – they’re tae a Poker Pairty wi the cairts whit keeps tae the lokkit-doon rules o a faddom aff.

Cairry them straucht intae the hauns o mha pals Lang Shiv Hinkum Sneevlie, Alagrugous Wanworth Snauchle and Buckle Glamshach McDirkless ahn tell them tae bring their ain cairts.

Ahm fed up bein here massel – aw youz wage slaves dinni coont.

And since ye’ll be stravaiging aboot oot in the Covid plague dinni come back.

Yer deid or free.

Ah’ll no report ye missing so’z ye’ll no be punished fur being jobless.


pairty: party.

Take these invites – they are to a Poker Party with the cards which keep to the lock-down rules of keeping a fathom’s distance.

Carry them straight into the hands of my friends Lang Shiv Hinkum Sneevlie, Alagrugous Wanworth Snauchle and Buckle Glamshach McDirkless and tell them to bring their own cards.

I am fed up being here on my own – all you wage slaves do not count.

And since you will be wandering idly about out in the Covid plague do not come back.

You are dead or free.

I will not report you missing so that you will not be punished for being unemployed.

The Scottish Word: straucht with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

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