Scottish Word: Meschant.
I ken yer no playin Tetris uncle Erchie. What are ye daein? Yer no even lookin at that screen. Yiv goat yer visual reality specs oan huvn’t ye? Yer no workin fur Israeli intelligence again are … Continue reading Meschant.
I ken yer no playin Tetris uncle Erchie. What are ye daein? Yer no even lookin at that screen. Yiv goat yer visual reality specs oan huvn’t ye? Yer no workin fur Israeli intelligence again are … Continue reading Meschant.
“There’s nae need tae flee intae sic a radge Mr Stiltskin, jist because my client HRH kens yir name.” Translate: radge: mad, furious, violently excited. “There is no need to fly into such an intemperate rage … Continue reading Radge.
“Damn them geneticists tae mak aw epples tae goan ripen an drap aw at once.” Translate: drap: drop. “Damn all those geneticists who made apples to go and ripen and drop all at once.” The Scottish … Continue reading Drap.
“Seems like caw haunled furlies ye can cuiter yersel are on the way oot.” Translate: cuiter: mend, patch up. “It seems like handle fitted wind up devices that one can mend oneself are on the wane.” … Continue reading Cuiter.