Scottish Word: Tosh.
Yir wrang! if ye kin hear me oer the din. A two stroke ingine jined tae a generator tae chairge yer batteries tae drive yer electric motors isni the tosh environmental reddit ye think it is … Continue reading Tosh.
Yir wrang! if ye kin hear me oer the din. A two stroke ingine jined tae a generator tae chairge yer batteries tae drive yer electric motors isni the tosh environmental reddit ye think it is … Continue reading Tosh.
Why are you Sol System ingineers still uisin engines wi physical nuts n bolts ye hae tae tirl n birl wi spanners? It’s sooo tiresome. Yiv got access nooadays tae yer modern temporal-oxy-flow-fusion-unity jints, smart-quark-unipolar-iso-belter-bandsters, kinetic-inertia-damper-snecks, … Continue reading Tirl.
Yer a scourie reebald McMurdoch, yer turnin this dog fight intae a richt collieshangie. It’s no on. Haggis Bombs is no allood. It’s biological weapons ahm tellin ye! No legal. No legal ataw. Dae ye hear … Continue reading Collieshangie.
“The plasma rackle gied a wheepling skirl fangling the anti-matter knewel an dunting the anti shoogle furlie oot o kilter makin oor sair shank landin a skelp doon.” Translate: wheeple: a tuneless whistling. “The plasma chain … Continue reading Wheeple.
“Whit’s a dae? Is the gangin geir blootered?” Translate: gangin geir: the working parts of a machine. “What’s wrong? Is the engine broken?” The Scottish Word: gangin geir with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Gangin geir.