Scottish Word: Bogle.
Here you. Are you the bogilly bogle o Hrungnirøss the muckle trow wha drooned in the wilsome moss holes oer the bye? Wha walks the watters maist nichts by the scarrow o the moon. If’n so … Continue reading Bogle.
Here you. Are you the bogilly bogle o Hrungnirøss the muckle trow wha drooned in the wilsome moss holes oer the bye? Wha walks the watters maist nichts by the scarrow o the moon. If’n so … Continue reading Bogle.
Hoo dare ye! Hoo dare ye even think ye might have trow shairn oan yer boot from the gravel trows! Gravel Trow shairn’s aye gently blown oot their nether end as rock dust in the twilight. … Continue reading Shairn.
“Dinni cock yer mell at me or ye’ll be on the end o an Aberdeen sweetie!” Translate: Aberdeen sweetie:a sharp tap on the head with a flick of the thumb. “Don’t raise your fist to me … Continue reading Aberdeen Sweetie.