Stoap yer kittlin Tarzan Jock. Ye ken ahm kittlie. Yer no fechtin fair. Translate: kittlie: ticklish, susceptible to tickling. Stop your tickling Tarzan Jock. You know that I am ticklish. You are not fighting fair. ′kɪtlɪ … Continue reading Kittlie. →
Scottish Word: Mou.

Noo you’ll notice hoo ma muckle mou is kept clear o this breathin apparatus which intubates me via ma neb. Tae be clear this’s been designed that wye tae keep mha mou free tae gobble up … Continue reading Mou. →
Scottish Word: Yurlin.

Wid it no be better tae gie aw them yurlins boats insteid o the usual brolly? It’d no be cheap but it’d still be a savin on clearin oot aw o their remains frae the branders … Continue reading Yurlin. →

“Nae worries brither o mine, even if ye dinni fully assume the birsie shap ye bide skeerie wi a fine youp on ye.” Translate: skeerie: scary. “Do not be upset brother of mine, even if you … Continue reading Skeerie. →