Scottish Word: Theek.
He’s refusin to wear oor safety equipment chusin insteid the theek n sicker o his grannies pouer fankled (knitted) long johns as bein literally bullet proof. He sez he kens hoo cauld the burns get here … Continue reading Theek.
He’s refusin to wear oor safety equipment chusin insteid the theek n sicker o his grannies pouer fankled (knitted) long johns as bein literally bullet proof. He sez he kens hoo cauld the burns get here … Continue reading Theek.
I’m weel paid by the Natural Resources fur Profit™ corporation tae keep you lot frae o’er indulging, at least until they’ve vacuumed the river o aw life fur the last time. If it’s bigger than yer … Continue reading Weel.
“Dinni fash yersel. Me an Rover here have navigated this river man an cub for over twenty year.” Translate: fash: trouble, vex. “Do not trouble yourself. Rover and myself have navigated this river man and cub … Continue reading Fash.