Scottish Word: Bawkie.
I’m o the opeenion Igor, that ye need tae cut back oan yer bawkie restoration programme. No least because o the nummer o flies ye hae tae breed tae feed them. Ye’ll get me a warse … Continue reading Bawkie.
I’m o the opeenion Igor, that ye need tae cut back oan yer bawkie restoration programme. No least because o the nummer o flies ye hae tae breed tae feed them. Ye’ll get me a warse … Continue reading Bawkie.
“Ah’ll pirl the poke o bluid wi a shairp pyke mithtreth an wi yin splatter the maithter will be guid as new.” Translate: splatter: sprinkle about, spatter. “I will prod the bag of blood with a … Continue reading Splatter.
“Yeth Mathter it ith indeed a complexth and tricky prothedure but twa thoumbs definithely helpths.” Translate: twa: two. “Yes Master it is indeed a complex and tricky procedure but two thumbs definitely helps.” Modify Discworld. Igors … Continue reading Twa.