Scottish Word: Splatter.
“Ah’ll pirl the poke o bluid wi a shairp pyke mithtreth an wi yin splatter the maithter will be guid as new.” Translate: splatter: sprinkle about, spatter. “I will prod the bag of blood with a … Continue reading Splatter.
“Ah’ll pirl the poke o bluid wi a shairp pyke mithtreth an wi yin splatter the maithter will be guid as new.” Translate: splatter: sprinkle about, spatter. “I will prod the bag of blood with a … Continue reading Splatter.
“Mind yir broo on yon stane lintel.” Translate: lintel: beam across the top of an entrance, threshhold of a door. “Watch your forehead on that there stone beam.” The Scottish Word: lintel with its definition and … Continue reading Lintel.
Save the Whales. ‘Nae wonder yer puffed oot Erchie. It’s fower compressions tae the meenit fur a whale, nae forty.’ Translate: puffed oot: out of breath. ‘It’s no wonder you’re out of breath Archibald. It’s four … Continue reading Puffed oot.