“Ah’m tellin ye Tabatha, Hoolet’s shern free erse is nae indication that yer due a dryte ony time soon for yer compost.”
dryte, drite, drait: defecate, poop, excrement.
“I am telling you Tabatha, Owl’s nice clean bottom is not an indicator that you are due to get a poop any time soon for your compost.”
The Scottish Word: dryte with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.
What is the cat’s real purpose – and is she right about the owl’s intention?
But most of all what is the dog’s secret agenda?
Ok, eww. Sure. But such weird and cute critters! I like it. Except the gross part. Don’t get me wrong, I walk and pick up after my dog every day! But still. 🙂