Scottish Word: Hauden.
Fresh eggs on demand. Braw. It’s a baxtarie competency few ken aboot. Taks years o trainin mind. But it’s a guid perty trick at ma cuikin an baxterin demos. I aye huv a hauden o trained … Continue reading Hauden.
Fresh eggs on demand. Braw. It’s a baxtarie competency few ken aboot. Taks years o trainin mind. But it’s a guid perty trick at ma cuikin an baxterin demos. I aye huv a hauden o trained … Continue reading Hauden.
“Yiv gi’in him oer much coal hivni ye! Ye ken it scowders the toast an cracks the flair.” Translate: hivna, havna, haivena: have not. “You have given him too much coal have you not! You know … Continue reading Hivna.
“Ah ken, but it’s the thoucht that coonts, ma wee pal.” Translate: coont, cwint: add up, count. “I know, but it’s the thought that counts, my small new acquaintance and friend.” kunt gesture. It’s three weeks … Continue reading Coont.
“Now lads – dinni ask him aboot the ingredients o the dip, it’ll gar ye boak.” Translate: boak, bock, bok: vomit. “Now guys – don’t ask him about the ingredients of the dip, the answer will … Continue reading Boak.
“Wana bridie?” “Aye. Twa plain eens anan ingin ‘in ana. Ta.” “Yon quine’s awa wi the last ingin yin.” Translate: bridie: sausage meat wrapped in a circular pastry case folded over. Can also contain herbs, pepper … Continue reading Bridie.
“Ach! The breid’s gone foosty.” Translate: foosty: mouldy, musty. “Oh my goodness! The bread has gone mouldy.” The Scottish Word: foosty with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context … Continue reading Foosty.