Scottish Word: Hauden.
Fresh eggs on demand. Braw. It’s a baxtarie competency few ken aboot. Taks years o trainin mind. But it’s a guid perty trick at ma cuikin an baxterin demos. I aye huv a hauden o trained … Continue reading Hauden.
Fresh eggs on demand. Braw. It’s a baxtarie competency few ken aboot. Taks years o trainin mind. But it’s a guid perty trick at ma cuikin an baxterin demos. I aye huv a hauden o trained … Continue reading Hauden.
Hoi, mind an sneck the yett on yer wey oot wi the cuddy or ye’ll lowse the coo, chooks an dug. Translate: yett: gate, narrow pass in the hills. Hey, don’t forget to latch the gate … Continue reading Yett.
“Ca me what ye like, life’s tae be enjoyed an ah’m no plannin tae get layin till ah’m older an had ma fun.” Translate: howtowdie: large young chicken destined for the pot. “Call me whatever name … Continue reading Howtowdie.
“Quick! Sook yir feathers in, he’s seek o kail an thinkin o chook soup.” Translate: kail: curly leaved cabbage; general word for a feed; or broth made from greens. “Quick! Suck your feathers in, he is … Continue reading Kail.