Scottish Word: Pump.
“Ooooh mair tea vicar? Ah hope it wisni Elsie’s neep sconettes’ that garred ye pump sae fell.” Translate: pump: break wind, fart. “Ooooh more tea vicar? I do hope it was not Elsie’s small turnip scones … Continue reading Pump.
“Ooooh mair tea vicar? Ah hope it wisni Elsie’s neep sconettes’ that garred ye pump sae fell.” Translate: pump: break wind, fart. “Ooooh more tea vicar? I do hope it was not Elsie’s small turnip scones … Continue reading Pump.
“Aye . . .” Translate: Aye . . . : I knew you should have listened to me. The Scottish Word: aye [No 4] with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Aye No.4.